Business Code of Conduct
IND complies with all laws and regulations that are applicable to its business, wherever conducted. Compliance with the law means observing both the letter and spirit of the law and conducting all business affairs so that the Company continues to earn the highest respect in the communities it serves. To help implement these goals, the Company has established this Business Code of Conduct under which all employees, executive officers, and directors of the Company should govern their conduct. Although these are guidelines only, and no code of conduct can spell out the appropriate ethical behavior for every possible business situation, the Company requires that the conduct of its business be governed at all times by respect for the Company personnel, customers, and other third parties, and good judgment, personal honesty, and sound business ethics.
There has been increased awareness of violence and human rights violations in the mining of certain minerals from a location described as the “Conflict Region”, which is situated in the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and surrounding countries.
In July of 2010, the United States Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which includes legislation mandating supply chain due diligence and requiring corporations to report the use of “Conflict Minerals” in the manufacture of their products. The specific metals in question are the following: Gold, Tantalum, Tin, and Tungsten. The details of the legislation can be found in Section 1502 of HR 4173, signed into law on July 21, 2010.
IND, Inc. is committed to legal and ethical compliance in all its business practices, and will comply with this legislation, along with all related implementing regulations issued by the SEC or other agencies.
IND, Inc. does not use any Conflict Minerals sourced from listed DRC countries in our services listed below. We will work with our suppliers, industry trade groups, and governmental agencies to verify a conflict free supply chain.
Conflict Minerals stated above; i.e., Gold, Tantalum, Tin, and Tungsten are not used in the following services:
Anodize (any color)
Hard Anodize (any color)
Chromate Conversion Coating (Hexavalent Chrome)
Chromate Conversion Coating Trivalent Chromate (RoHS Compliant)
Electroless Nickel
Jonathan Lovegrove, CEO
October 15, 2019